Leather Workshop by Soul Flower

IMG_9492My partner in crime and I were sure we’d regret it if we didn’t attend this basic leather workshop by Soul Flower at Studio 925. So we did even if we were close to being broke! Here, I try to break down things for you so you can decide whether it’s what you need in your life. Ha ha!
What projects did we work on?
At the end of the class we brought home a cord organizer, a cardholder, a braided bracelet and an embroidered bracelet.
What were the topics discussed?
basic tools (punchers, snaps and setters, silver pen, thread, cutter and mats)
making measurements and cutting leather
stitching edges
What’s next?
Ah, we got to bring home a kit with all the basic tools to get us started. There may be only 4 projects during the workshop but the ideas for simple projects are limitless after this session. Maybe it’s still too basic to craft a nice bag or fantasy costume and accessories but otherwise, Pinterest DIYs are just a click away! It’s a fantastic introductory class.
I totally recommend it for people who like leather and enjoys sewing and designing accessories.

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